Then everything stopped and..

On a stormy night, my siblings were playing and joking around as the heavy rain fell on top of my rooftop.Everything was fine until the news had come on.” there has been a warning that a tornado is coming towards Oamaru, take cover now!” I warned everyone and we grabbed our stuff and took cover until the tornado had hit us. We waited for hours and hours until, we heard the window fell down into pieces.Everyone screamed and shouted for their lives because the tornado was basically in our house, we didn’t know what to do until we looked outside the whole neighborhood got swooped away from that massive dust devil. My mum said to stay as calm as possible but since the tornado was in our house taking everything away from us except ourselves we could not stay calm! Then everything stopped and….

Why james hargest should not be cancelled

James Hargest isn’t just some ordinary school who we just compete against, it’s an annual exchange between Oamaru intermediate school and James Hargest college.This event has been running for 31 years right now.Not only are we fighting for a win but there is a shield.This exchange should not be cancelled!.Here are some reasons.

Firstly, Its a great opportunity to make new friends and get outside for fresh air.Everyone needs to be fit and healthy so surely someone is not in class do old boring school work.

Secondly, not only you get to play against other people but your friends are with you!.It is really worth the time and energy and to be honest I strongly believe that even if you aren’t playing a sport, at least you are there to support and cheer for your own school.

Thirdly, playing a sport is just a great outdoor game for everyone.Enjoying fresh air, the hot glazing sun and of course the people.Come on it’s not about winning and shoving it in there faces, it’s about friendships and making new connections with each other.

Everyone should get a chance to play or even go watch it.Making new connections, laughter, fresh air, the hot sun and even the people are great ways to get out the classroom and have a little bit of fun-this is why we should keep the James hargest exchange.



100 word challenge

No cars drifting pass the busy road,everyone goes silent as they are still snoozing in bed .Big buildings hiding in the shade as the teens look at the big black rec tangled shaped dominoes .7 massive pearl circular dots cover each dominoes.Everyone looks with satisfaction,The yellow shirt man with long denim dark jeans tilts his head to the left and sees the humongous,giant building.Curtains open from side to side, whoa there massive.The massive objects covers the faces of the pedestrians from blocking the strong beaming sun.Suddenly the cars start honking at each other and all the  pedestrians gather together with excitement.

Celebrations about Tuavalu

On October 21, Tuvalu celebrates Hurricane day. Tragically 18 people died in a severe storm and hundreds of kids,babies,mum’s and dad’s have been badly wounded in 1972. Tuvalu has a traditional dance to remember the ones who have been gone.

Tuvalu loves to sing,dance,eat and have prayers.They are very passionate with their cultures and they always look after each other like family. Tuvalu supports there culture and will always take the win or lose, they do not care if they lose they will just suck it up and take it.

Thanks for reading my post and leave some comment below if u want to


Teen wolf

  • Dylan O’Brien and Holland Roden originally auditioned to play other characters
  • Season 5 will begin with a cold opening featuring Lydia
  • Jeff Davis knows “Stiles” name but you will have to wait till season 5
  • Season 5 will focus on the gang senior year, specially Scott and stiles
  • Dylan O’Brien would not change thing about stiles

Comparing islander school with NZ school

Islander school-Samoa

  • If you don’t answer a question right or if you are naughty you will get a smack
  • You wear a traditional uniform to school and sandals
  • At the start of school and the end you always have a prayer
  • when you do work you do it on the mat
  • For PE you were a white shirt and blue shorts with bare feet
  • you have to wear a black hair tie to schoolImage result for what does a samoan school look like


NZ school

  • you go to school at 8:30 am
  • You where a uniform that has your school initials on it
  • You have tables or desks
  • There is an ideal book,so if you do something that is not value to the school you get your name in the book and if you get your name in the book two times in a row on the same day then you get 15-30 minutes of timeout
  • We have choir,athletics,triathlons,swimming sports and cross country
  • At O.I.S we have morning tea at 10:30 am and lunch at 12:30 pm\
  • We finish school at 3:05 pm

Thanks for reading my post about comparing school with islander and NZ

Sincerely Tafu poasa


Image result for oamaru intermediate school

About me

Hi my name is Tafu poasa and i’m 11. Here are some facts about me!!

-I’m Samoan

-I was born in Auckland

-i love sports(netball,touch,basketball)

-I haven’t been to my home island

-My name was named after my dads mum

That’s all i have today so goodbye!!!